Dear glider pilots !
First of all I would like to thank you for your interest in our products. The reaction and your feedback shows me that we are on the right track.
But especially as a new start up, it is important for us to deliver the quality we promise you. That's why we decided to put our XCNAV Edition21 to the test again and improve it. After we received a rejection for the planned displays of the 5.7 inch variant at the planned start of production, we have now found a perfect display panel with the Ortustech Planview.

Due to the outstanding specs of the display, we are now also looking into the 7" variant.
We are already in price negotiations with the supplier. The display would be available within a few days. However, this means a modification of the previous case and thus further delay, since the screen does not exactly match the old dimensions. However, we are working hard to be able to deliver by the workshop season.
I think we made the right decision in terms of the quality of our products and customer satisfaction .
XCRemote stick remote control

Since a few days there is the new XCREMOTE App with new functions for our XCREMOTE. With it, all buttons of our¹ stick remote control can be individually assigned with different XCSoar functions. So from now on you decide what your stick does!
And the great thing is that XCRemote works via Bluetooth with any Android smartphone.
At the moment we are working on an adaptation of our XCREMOTE to LK8000.
Of course your SteFly Remotestick and the Stefly Rotary unit will also work with our XCNAV Edition21.
Expected to be available end of October.
Last week we released a new video of our
How to....XCSOAR
Tutorial series on our Youtube channel.
Feel free to write in the comments what you are interested in, so we can pick it up in our videos.
Of course we would be very happy about a subscription.
Your XCNAV Team